fredag 22. april 2011

Intellectual property

Intellectual Property (IP) is a term that is used to describe a range of legal protections for creations of the human mind. These protections function as exclusive rights and are parts of an Intullectual Property Law, where owners are granted certain exclusive rights, and are a form of monopoly. Such exclusive rights may be granted in for example a Copyright law, where the author have all rights when it comes to copying, distributing and adapting the work. The Copyright law covers a wide range of works, such as dramatic works, paintings, photographs, sound recordings and so on and so forth. Today, copyright is the most frequently encountered type of IP right.

Another example of rights that are granted is related to file sharing. File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital stored information. Examples of such information are audio, images, computer programmes, video, documents or electronic books. The most common form of file sharing is peer-to-peer. Peer-to-peer file sharing refers to the downloading of a computer file to a user's computer, using software. This further allows the user to make the file availible to other users, also called "peers", hence the term peer-to-peer file sharing. When sharing files, you often use file-sharing networks or web sitesm such as The Pirate Bay - a Swedish web site that hosts torrent files.

A big part og file sharing today evolves around music, mp3 files or other digitized formats. This leads to people buying less records in stores/online, and downloading illegal files instead.


Because people all over the world are using their computers and are entering the Internet, the IP Law applies to the web. This way the IP rights can be practiced in somewhat equal ways all over the world.

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torsdag 21. april 2011

Children and their computers

Today, most children have their own computers. This means that they have 24 hours of access to the Internet every single day. Are 9 year-olds mature enough to recognize unappropiate material? Or will they continue clicking on links until they have reached an Internet page which is meant for adults -NOT children? Are they smart enough to realize that they should not post unappropiate pictures of themselves or give out personal information to whatever page that requires it?

There is no doubt that a 9 year-old child is by far more naive and less concious when it comes to Internet security and handing out personal information. There are many people who's jobs are to design and create web-sites where people are told to give up certain information - which leads to them being robbed in some way. How can children become aware of this, and what can be done to prevent children from becoming victims of such web-sites?

mandag 11. april 2011

Personal data - is it really personal?

Living in today's world, most people have, in some way, communicated where they are or what they are doing. This could be in terms of your facebook status, sms or perhaps an update on twitter, telling your friends and "followers" where you are and/or what you are doing at all times. Is this neccessary? Is this a sign of our need for privacy is increasing? And even more importantly - can this be harming in any way?

Even though the right to privacy is highly developed area in Europe, this is not always followed and respected. Alongside the pleasures and positive aspects of relatively new medias (such as facebook, twitter and so on), some negative effects also occurs. Let us consentrate on facebook. One of the most popular applications on your homepage is publishing photographs. It is also possible for others to publish photographs of you, and unless they do not "tag" you, you will not notice this unless they are your friends on facebook. In other words - if you are at a party where there are strangers carrying a camera, chances are that you will 1. be photographed by someone you o not know 2. have a perhaps unflattering photo of yourself on facebook without you being able to stop it. If this happens, it is a clear vialation of the 8th article of the European Convention on Human Rights, which provides a right to respect for one's "private and family life, his home and his correspondence". This is of course unfortunate, consirdering most employers usually have a backgroud check on their future workers. If you are hoping to get a job as a teacher, and there are pictures of you influenced by alcohol availible on the Internet, you are unlikely to get a job.

It is one thing to have a couple of bad pictures on the Internet, another thing is to have personal data being published online. Personal data could be defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable human being, such as criminal record, address, bank statements etc. . In other words - personal data is information which can be linked to you as a human being, and can in some cases identify who you are.

So what do you do? Do you keep all your personal information to yourself, including never publishing anything on facebook, or is it possible to regulate your privacy by only publishing things that are appropiate?

onsdag 16. februar 2011

Wikipedia - a world with no limits!

When you are looking for theory on a spesific topic, you are almost guaranteed to find it on wikipedia. The amount of information you will find is incredible! Topics relating to music, literature, history, movies as well as thousands and thousands of definitions are availible for everyone who is interested in it. I even found information about my father's uncle - now that is impressive!

The question of how reliable the information we find online, especially on web sites such as wikipedia is important to discuss. The information presented is written by whoever, which means that you can not be sure that it is correct or true. In theory I could write something about myself, for example that I am the queen of Sweden, and whenever someone searches for my name on wikipedia, the information about the "new queen of Sweden" will appear. It is in other words important to be critical when you are searching the Internet for information, especially if you all of a sudden notice that there are more than one person claiming to be the queen of Sweden, or any other country for that matter.

But what can you do to check if the information found is reliable or not?  I am suggesting two methods: First of all, you can search for articles that supports what you have already read from wikipedia. If the topic you are searching for is well known, such as Britney Spears, monkeys or Barack Obama, the odds of finding information elsewhere is massive. Secondly, you could try looking it up in an old-fashioned encyclopedia (if they still exist).

Despite this, there is no doubt that wikipedia is an amazing tool when you know how to use it. That however, is easy peasy. You just type the name of whatever you are searcing for, for example WW2, The Beatles or monkeys, and whoop - the page with your ordered information is right in front of you! Very often you also get to see a picure(or several) relating to your information. Perfect? I think so!

fredag 11. februar 2011

ICT in schools - is it neccesary?

Teachers nowadays have no options when it comes to the question of using ICT in their teaching or not. Computers, smartboards, movie-clips and so on are frequently used during teaching units.

One of the positive aspects of ICT in schools in relation to pupils and their learning is, according to Andy Seed and his article The effective use of ICT in RE, that it provides access to a wide range of information and different "view-points". This is, without a doubt, true. Pupils learn to search for relevant information online as well as becoming critical in relation to sources that are discovered. In addition, they develope investigative skills, which enhance as they work further on with ICT. These factors may lead to the statement that pupils growing up in the age of ICT-schools become more knowledged than pupils were twenty years ago.

But what about the teachers? Does ICT enhance the quality of their teaching? There is no doubt that Internet sites, such as Google are tools which can help teachers increase their subject expertise. The amount of information that can be found on the Internet is amazingly enormous. some teachers might find it too much, and therefore difficult in relation to choosing the best internet sites and so on. 

ICT can be a tool for teachers when creating an interesting, visual and motivating teaching unit. Pictures, sounds and videoclips from Youtube for example, can enhance the pupils' learning. Some pupils learn best when they have a picture connected to the information, and some pupils remember better when they have seen a videoclip that is relevant for the content of the teaching. In other words - ICT can help more pupils getting involved and motivating in the classroom and the school in general.

Question: ICT - do you (as a teacher) agree that it is a helpful tool?

How ICT can influence people's lives

It is friday. It is early in the morning, and it is still dark outside.

I am barely able to open my eyes when I hear my alarm clock screaming through the silent bedroom. My mind starts thinking: What am I doing today? What are my friends doing today? Have anybody announced that they are pregnant? Or getting married? The thoughts are running through my head as I walk towards the bathroom. I look in the mirror: tired. No way I would let anyone photograph me looking like this...after all; it might be posted. Note to myself: always look good in case someone picks up a camera.

I walk towards the kitchen. I wonder what Rita is having for dinner today. I read that Ida had chicken and rice yesterday, and Tom had pasta. I think I will have pizza - after all, it is friday.

Friday...what is on TV on fridays? Ah, Senkveld! I read yesterday that the guests are Tinie Tempah and Aksel Lund Svindal...I have to watch it! Friday....which means that it I also have to watch Nytt på Nytt. Note to myself: Check who the guests are.


It is friday, which means it is saturday tomorrow. I suddenly remember that I was invited to a birthdayparty tomorrow...What was the address? And when do I have to be there? Note to myself: Check address and time.

It is friday evening, I have just eaten a perfect pizza and I am now ready to get an update on what is going on amongst my friends. And check who the guests are...and check the address and time... I turn on the computer, open internet explorer and there are all the answers to my questions: Facebook.

My first post

This is my first post on my new blog! :-)

Hopefully I will be able to write some interesting posts relating to the ITL 103 ICT course in the future!